
Whether it’s how to use the ATM or how to send money home, we’ll tell you how to do it!

Japanese study is one of the main reasons people choose the JET Programme. EPIC and CLAIR both put out Japanese study courses, or you can find yourself a private tutor. You also have opportunities to study for TEFL qualifications.

Look here for everything you need to know about proper healtcare in Ehime.

So you want your own set of wheels do you? Here are some things you need to know about driving in Japan.

Getting Imports
Are you craving that special dish from home? Or absolutely need some of your favorite foreign lotion? There are ways to get those things, even in rural Japan!

For JETs who are leaving shipping can be a nightmare. So here are some tips and useful resources you can use to ease your pain.

Enjoying Pop Culture
Want to get more involved in Japan`s pop culture scene? Here`s how to get your “otaku” on!

Being Vegetarian / Vegan
It may be harder being vegetarian or vegan in Japan than in your home country, but definitely not impossible. Here are some tips and tricks for vegetarian living and eating in Japan.
Useful resources and communities for the LGBTQ+ people living in Ehime.

Religious Groups
Information regarding churches and mosques in the prefecture.