About the AJET Network
The Association for Japan Exchange and Teaching (AJET) is a volunteer organisation of JET Programme participants. AJET serves the JET community by building support networks, organising useful information, and offering resources to enhance the lives of the Programme participants in Japan and abroad. It maintains a counselling service and an online magazine, and voices the opinions and concerns of JETs to CLAIR and the Japanese government ministries that manage the JET Programme. AJET has existed since the inception of the JET Programme; at the national level, it is headed by the AJET National Council, a body of twenty elected and appointed current JETs from across Japan.
The National AJET Council
The National AJET Council members are elected by JETs for JETs, with each election happening annually at around February or March. The National AJET Council is responsible for the promotion and upkeep of the AJET according to the articles outlined by the AJET Constitution. They hold various events throughout the year to increase relations between prefectures, the national government and JETs participants. Representatives meet with Japanese representatives to relay JET participant concerns to the program sponsors.