Teaching Resources
Whether you have plenty of experience under your belt, or are completely new to this whole teacher thing, check out these links for ideas and inspiration.
- ALT Insider – blog posts, podcasts and resources to help you make the most of your time working and living in Japan.
- Englipedia – a huge database of lesson plans and ideas sorted by textbooks and grade levels, Englipedia is one of the best teaching websites out there.
- Dave’s ESL Cafe – stuff for teachers, stuff for students, stuff for everyone. 100s of games for every situation you can think of.
- Ultimate Camp Resource – games, skits, songs, team building activities and more – for use both in and outside of the classroom.
- ESL Galaxy – printable and interactive vocabulary, grammar and cultural games.
- ESL Kids – flashcards, worksheets, classroom games and song lyrics.
- Genki English – the key is in the name – genki. Fun and exciting lessons and activities for Elementary school.
- Wild Mushroomland– for ‘Hi Friends!’ and other Elementary school level flashcards and clipart. The site also has a few lesson activity ideas.
- Find your context ESL resources – A collection of links to a number of useful articles about ESL worth reading on a day with few classes.
- ESL Authority– free, downloadable worksheets for ESL students covering a variety of topics.
- Here is a guide on how to embed a Youtube video into a PowerPoint presentation.
- Bump Reveal – technological tools that include videos and flashcard and could be used in the elementary ESL classroom.
- Wise Old Sayings – covers almost all topics of teaching ESL and has resources and blogs for almost any level.
- Activity+Game List– The Excel sheet is split between textbook activities, filler/random activities, powerpoint activities, and long term projects as well as how to modify them for higher level and lower level classes.
- Altopedia― An excellent site where ALTs share resources ranging from lesson materials, English board ideas and of course, games!
- Tay’s Teaching Toolkit― is a great resource to use if you want to run an interactive & fun lesson with minimal prep.
- Utilizing Digital Flashcard/Quiz sites is a great way for students to learn & review new material. You can also use them in a variety of other ways! Here’s a list:
- Kahoot! (ofc)
- Flippity
- Mentimeter
- Typeform
- Quizizz
- Baamboozle
- Gimkit
- Blooket
- Padlet (collaborative tool)
Do you have any others to add? Contact us at ehimeajet@gmail.com!