Hello again Ehimeans!
Cicadas are buzzing, air conditioners are blasting, and summer festivals are nearly in full swing. That’s right, folks—it’s summer in Ehime and a new issue of The Mikan is rolling out once again! Click here to check it out online, or simply download the attached PDF. For many of you this season is punctuated by a series of difficult final goodbyes to the land of mikans aplenty, and to you we wish you a safe return home and the best of luck in the years to come. For a chosen few, however, Ehime will be become a new home for any number of years, and to all arriving JETs in the 2013 cohort—WELCOME to gorgeous, verdant, and citrusy Ehime! For the rest of us, another year will bring another round of both rituals and surprises (and enkais, lots of enkais). Let’s make the most of it.
And for EVERYONE equally? A new issue of the Mikan jam-packed with content! In this summer issue we have grown up a bit and are examining a couple mature topics in addition to some delicious vegan recipes, cycling and rainy season guides, and a bit of travel writing as well. You’ll be a multidisciplinary Japanese bodylore, Singapore, arson sociology and cycling expert in no time. Oh, and don’t forget to take a look at all of our lovely new PAs and RAs!
As usual, HUGE thanks to every one of you contributors who continue to make our community publication possible. For those of you interested in getting involved with the team, please shoot an email to isitatomic[at]gmail.com. We are especially looking to hand the reigns over to a new graphic designer!
Harrison Fuerst
Mikan Editor/Content Director
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