Living in Ehime is great and offers many different kinds of experiences, but every once in a while we get bitten by the wanderlust bug and have the urge to see what else is out there beyond the green-mikan filled hills of the prefecture. Given that Japan has quite a few national holidays it’s fairly easy to get away and explore, whether that be domestically in Japan or somewhere farther across international borders. To help plan your next adventure, we’ve put together some helpful guides and resources.

Domestic Travel
Japan’s suberb transportation network means that it is easy to travel virtually anywhere in the country! However, it always helps to plan ahead so we’ve put together some information about the different ways to get to where you want to go.

International Travel
Just because you live in Japan doesn’t mean you have to stay there! Whether you want to visit your family back overseas or trek the mountains in Nepal, we’ve put together some guides to help you in your quest for world (travel) domination.